
Science and Geopolitics of Arctic and Antarctic

A think tank for science policy and advocacy of the two poles


Dr Kenichi Matsouka


Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway

  • Title
    Antarctic RINGS Addresses a Critical Knowledge Gap that IPCC Identified for Future Sea-Level Rise Projections
  • Abstract
Brief Bio
Dr Kenichi Matsuoka is a senior research scientist at the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) primarily investigating Antarctic glaciology. He received his PhD from Hokkaido University, Japan in 2002 and became a Research Assistant Professor at University of Washington, USA in 2005. He moved to NPI in 2010 and qualified as a full professor in 2013. Throughout his career, Dr Kenichi worked on seasonal snow, mountain glaciers, and polar ice sheets. At NPI, he has worked in both coastal and inland regions of East Antarctica with many international collaborators including those from National Center for Polar and Ocean Research. He has served on the SCAR as the Norwegian representative to its Physical Science Group, a co-founder of a SCAR map product Quantarctica, and the founding chair of the RINGS Action Group.