
Science and Geopolitics of Arctic and Antarctic

A think tank for science policy and advocacy of the two poles


Dr Aparna Shukla


Hydrology and Cryosphere, Ministry of Earth Sciences

  • Title
    Understanding the Himalayan Debris Covered Glaciers: Characteristics and Evolution
  • Abstract
Brief Bio
Aparna Shukla is a Scientist at MoES and has been actively involved in remote sensing as well as field-based cryospheric research since 2005. Her research specialisations are remote sensing, digital image processing and information extraction techniques for glaciology. Her research interests include developing robust methodologies for mapping of debris-covered glaciers, characterisation of supraglacial debris, glacier dynamics and remote sensing based geological mapping. As an outcome of her research, she has published more than forty quality research papers in international journals. She is a reviewer for many ace international journals in the field of glaciology, geoinformatics and geomorphology. After the Nepal Earthquake in April 2015, she worked as an integral part of an ‘International Volunteer Group’ of analysts from nine nations. This team undertook one of the broadest and fastest international emergency remote sensing and data analysis campaigns ever led by NASA for any earthquake-affected region. In recognition of her work, she was chosen for the ‘Women Scientist of the Year – 2018’ by USERC, Dehradun, India and also elected as TWAS Young Affiliate-2018 for a term of five years.